Mission Statement:  Inter-Connections, Inc. provides support and acceptance for individuals in the community who have lived with a mental illness and/or substance use disorder.

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Inter-Connections, Inc. is a drop-in center for people living with mental illnesses and/or substance use disorders. A drop-in center is a place for people to work on their recovery. We provide a safe, accepting setting where members can feel comfortable sharing experiences and hope with one another.

Inter-Connections, Inc. is a non-profit organization run by people who have lived with mental illnesses and/or substance use disorders. We are open to people who are 18 and over.


Our Board of Directors is made up of people who have lived with mental illnesses and/or substance use disorders. The Board ensures that the drop-in provides a helpful environment for people on their recovery journey. The Board oversees the overall operations of Inter-Connections, Inc.


Our staff is made up of people living with mental illnesses and/or substance use disorders. We have four Peer Supports on staff as well as a Peer Recovery Coach.

Wait...What's a Peer Support? I've never heard of a Peer Recovery Coach.

Peer Supports are people who know what it's like to have a mental illness. They use their own life experiences to help others who are in different stages of recovery.

Peer Recovery Coaches are people who have lived with a substance use disorder. They use their life experience to help people who have problems with drug or alcohol addiction.

Sometimes people are trained as both a Peer Support and a Peer Recovery Coach.

Our Peer Supports and Peer Recovery Coaches want you to know that you aren't alone. They can help you find resources along with support. Our Peers really have '"walked a mile in your shoes" and they are willing to help you reach your dreams. Stop in and talk with our Peers and Recovery Coaches about how they can help!